- Model:
- Differential Voltmeter
- Request Code:
- Differential Voltmeter
- Company:
- Enerdis
- Country:
- France
Differential Voltmeter to measure of the difference between voltage . Ammeter and voltmeter , Differential Double Voltmeter , 90 degrees analoge alternating voltage and current is one of the products . the special features of this device are : - Less VA burden - Linear scale - Fully range indication - Glass filled polycarbonate housing - Easily replaceble glass and bezel Bornika is the exclusive agent of Enerdis in the fields of consultation, sales and distribution of power industry products in the field of buying and selling a wide variety of 90 degrees analogue panel meter . Ammeter and voltmeter , Differential Double Voltmeter , 90 degrees analoge alternating voltage and current is one of the products .
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